Type 1 @ School
Type 1 at School is a Touched by Type 1 community education program in which the TBT1 team provides public and private schools with the tools and training they need in order to help their Type 1 students thrive. Offering both in-person an virtual training sessions.
Touched By Type 1 provides the opportunity for school personnel to learn from experts and specialists to better understand the realities of living with Type 1 Diabetes, its signs and symptoms, and best practices for keeping Type 1 students safe at school.
What will you learn?:
Basics of Type 1 Diabetes management.
Best Practices for keeping Type 1 students safe at school.
Current technology and devices used in Type 1 Diabetes managment.
Through this program, we have provided informative and educational sessions to:
Entire school district Nursing and Clinical Staff
Entire school district Transportation Staff
After school programs and Daycare Facilities
Faculty and Staff at individual Public Schools
Faculty and Staff at individual Private Schools
It is our goal that through the Type 1 at school program – teachers, administrators, nurses, and families will become more confident in their roles in working together to keep students with Type 1 Diabetes safe at school.
Learn From Experts:
Certified Diabetes Educators, both with a personal connection to Type 1 Diabetes, share what you need to know to help you feel more confident and comfortable caring for a Type 1 at school.
Kim Rossi
Mother of a Type 1 Diabetic
Sarah Scott
Type 1 Diabetic for over 40 years
We Are Touched by Type 1
All of the programs by Touched by Type 1 work together to provide a positive experience for those who are touched by type 1, in Orlando and across the country. Your support helps us continue to make an impact in the type 1 community.