We Are Touched by Type 1

All of the programs by Touched by Type 1 work together to provide a positive experience for those who are touched by type 1, in Orlando and across the country. Your support helps us continue to make an impact in the type 1 community.


Join The Fight Against Type 1 Diabetes

  • Make a Donation

    Touched By Type 1 is committed to providing free resources and free community events for those with T1D. We make this happen thanks to generous donors like you.

  • Purchase with Purpose

    A unique way you can support is by choosing Touched By Type 1 as a recipient for PayPal’s Purchase with Purpose! Donate $1 with every PayPal Purchase!

  • eBay for Charity


    eBay buyers and sellers can easily donate to Touched By Type 1 through eBay for Charity. All you need to do is click the link below to choose us as an eBay for Charity recipient!

  • Volunteer

    Touched By Type 1 is grateful to have a growing volunteer team to help with the growth and development of our foundation. We could always use an extra hand!

The Touched By Type 1 Shop

We Are Touched by Type 1

Join us and help us touch the lives of those living with Type 1 Diabetes! Together, we can make a difference 💛
