Type 1 Diabetes VS Type 2 Diabetes - What’s the difference?

For many kids one of the most annoying parts of #T1D is the dreaded explanation; having to be an expert in your disease for people who don’t know.

“How can you have diabetes, you don’t look fat!”

“How much sugar did you eat before you got it?”

“Oh so you can’t have sweets anymore right?”

“My great grandma has diabetes but she doesn’t need to take shots. You must be doing it wrong.”

There’s a lot of preconceptions surrounding T1D that simply aren’t true. So many of them stem from the misunderstanding that Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are both Diabetes so they must be the same, right?

Again, not true.

Here are some quick ways to remember which is which. Always be mindful about what you’re saying to somebody with diabetes and what it might imply, especially with children.

Questions are okay, assumptions are not.

At its core, proper type 1 diabetes management is composed of a handful of elements: blood glucose control and insulin management, exercise, nutrition and support. Knowing first-hand the intricacies of living with Type 1 Diabetes, the team at Touched by Type 1 has created the D-Box.


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